Regional Water Authority Rate Changes (Updated 4/20/2020)

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Update April 20, 2020:
At a special teleconference meeting of the North Harris County Regional Water Authority (NHCRWA) held on Monday, April 20th, the Board of Directors (the "Board") of the NHCRWA approved the postponement of the pumpage fee and surface water rate increases from April 1, 2020 to July 1, 2020. For further questions regarding this postponement, please go to

Original (4/15/2020):
As Encanto Real Utility District (Encanto Real UD) continues to make every effort possible to keep residents monthly water rates as low as possible, the district wanted to notify residents as to the increase in the surface water fees imposed by the North Harris County Regional Water Authority (NHCRWA). The rate change went into effect April 1st 2020, and residents will see it reflected in bills later in the month once meters are read.

Those NHCRWA groundwater surcharges has increased from $3.85 per thousand gallons of water used to $4.25 per thousand gallons. The District adds a 10% surcharge for water accountability and usage offset, so residents will see a $4.675 per thousand gallons charge on their bill.

Encanto Real UD residents are encouraged to conserve water and visit the links below for information that will help them control their water usage and reduce their overall bills.

Encanto Real UD Water Rate information:

North Harris County Regional Water Authority overview:

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